Monday, January 31, 2011

more Jared Diamond

Whether or not we have school tomorrow, you still need to post about today's class.  Important points you might want to include:  hunters/gatherers, plant domestication, sago, taro roots and bananas, granary, Draa' (the world's first village), wheat and barley, etc.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


On the first day of classes you all received work to do.  Your assignment was to create a blog, email me the address, and post your first entry.  Some of you have done this; many of you have not.

If you want to avoid starting the semester with a zero, do this assignment.  If you need to be reminded of the details, check my posting for last Sunday and Tuesday.

Just because we had a few snow days does not mean we aren't still in school!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Elena's snow pic!

Nice work, Ferd!

Snow day! Giddyup!

I hope you are all enjoying the snow!  It's great packing - perfect for snowball fights and snowmen.  Not bad for sledding and boarding.  Not so good for shoveling...

Hey, you've all got blogs.  Post a great pic of you doing something fantastic in the snow - boarding, sledding, making snow angels, whatever -  and I'll share it with everyone on my blog.  I'll start it off with the snow horse that the Schicks made this morning.  (Well, it was mainly my wife, but we all pitched in...)

Your turn!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

All together, now...

Now all three of my sections - 01, 04, and 05 - have met.  Make sure you have completed all the requirements listed on Sunday's posting - including emailing me your blog url.

You also need to post your first blog.  Details are on Sunday's posting.

Feel free to email me at if you have problems or questions.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's Day One of the second semester.

Welcome to Western Civilization.  Here's what you will do in class today.
  • Switch your browser to Google Chrome.
  • Subscribe to my blog.
  • Favorite my blog and put it in your Favorite bar.
  • Create your own GMail account (if you don't have one already).
  • Create your own blog for Western Civilization.
  • Email me the web address for your blog (
  • Make sure your postings will be in Eastern Time.
  • Watch the beginning of Guns, Germs, and Steel.  
For homework, write 100-200 words on GG&S.  Also, go into Design / Settings and customize your blog.  Make sure you put together a cool profile!