Thursday, March 24, 2011

Project time

Want to get off to a great start for the fourth quarter?  
Do a fantastic job on this assignment!

Construct a lesson based on one facet of ancient Greece. 
Make this lesson as interesting to your fellow students as you possibly can. 
You have many choices as to how to do this... 
You can be traditional (500-word paper, PowerPoint, etc.),
 or non-traditional (write a song, make a video, whatever!).
You will choose your subject in class today.
Project is worth 100 points.
It's due the day we return from break.
Good luck and have fun!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

quiz tomorrow!

Because so many of you want one more chance to raise your grade before the end of the quarter (which ends Friday), I am giving a quiz on ancient Greece tomorrow, Wednesday, March 23.  The quiz is worth 58 points.  It will be 29 multiple choice questions - no short answer, no essay.  Last chance to give your grade a boost for Q3.  You may use your blog as a resource.

Also, make sure you blog after every class this week.  The blog for Friday, March 25, is due before midnight, March 25.  That is the last day of the quarter, so that is when it is due.

Monday, March 21, 2011

oh, Pericles...

You started off so well, and then messed up so badly.

Oops!  Didn't mean to give away the ending.

Stay tuned for more of the ASTONISHING Greek saga!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

cast of characters

Quite a colorful group of people we are learning about, 
all with an important role to play in the origins of democracy.

Why are these people so crucial?

Homer             Cleisthenes             Darius
Pisistratus         Isagoras                Hippias       Pheidippides

Can you define these terms?

tyrant             hoplite             democracy
agora             acropolis         aristocracy

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Crucible of Civilization

Today in class will will re-view what you watched in class last Friday.  We want to make sure you know what is truly pertinent information.

Also, if you have to miss class for sports, illness, or any other reason, I have listed a link (called Crucible of Civilization - video) that is a shortened version of what we are watching in class.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

intro to early Ancient Greece

Now all three sections have been introduced to the early years of Ancient Greece.  The PowerPoint you saw in class has been posted in my Links (Ancient Greece - Intro).

Also note the link to the DVD we started last Friday.  There is a TON of good info that directly relates to The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization.

Tomorrow, we start the good stuff.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

while I was out

I hope everything went well for you while I was up on retreat, and you took good notes from Crucible of Civilization.

Don't forget to post those notes to your blog.  See you next week!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

the fruits of your labor

Due to the work you put in on your slides, I hope the "story" to the Persian Wars makes more sense to you now.

Tomorrow you will watch the beginning of an excellent video on Ancient Greece, called Crucible of Change.  You should take good notes while watching, and post them to your blog.  Be nice to my sub, and wish me well while I am on Senior Retreat.  (Just think: you'll be on retreat yourself in just three short years!)

See you next week!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Collaborating on Greece

While the last few absentees finish their tests, the rest of us will begin working on a new class-wide presentation. Woo-hoo!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

test completed - on to Greece!

Now all three sections have taken the test on Egypt - with the exception of just a few absentees, who will make it up on Wednesday.

Tomorrow, we begin our studies of one of the greatest civilizations of all time - the ancient Greeks!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Egypt today

Yesterday we discussed ancient Egypt - today, it's Egypt's place in today's world.

Click here for a presentation on modern-day Egypt - also listed in my Links sidebar.

Just like yesterday, Sections 04 and 05 get me for the accompanying lecture, while 01 will have a sub for the first half of class.

04 and 05 take the test on ancient and modern Egypt on Monday; 
01 will test on Tuesday.

BTW, mad props to Section 04 for at least attempting to sing the Egyptian national anthem in class today, the words of which are translated and transliterated in Arabic and English.  Thanks for helping to make class fun!

Bilādī, bilādī, bilādī
Lakī ḥubbī wa fū’ādī
Bilādī, bilādī, bilādī
Lakī ḥubbī wa fū’ādī

Miṣr yā umm al-bilād
Anti ghāyatī wal-murād
Wa ‘alá kull al-‘ibad
Kam liNīlik min āyād
My homeland, my homeland, my homeland,
My love and my heart are for thee.
My homeland, my homeland, my homeland,
My love and my heart are for thee.

Egypt! O mother of all lands,
Thou are my hope and my ambition,
And on all people
Your Nile has countless graces
بلادي بلادي بلادي
لكِ حبي و فؤادي
بلادي بلادي بلادي
لك حبي و فؤادي

مصر يا أم البلاد
انت غايتي والمراد
وعلى كل العباد
كم لنيلك من اياد

Thursday, March 3, 2011

ancient Egypt / modern Prezi

Today in class we will pick up where we left off watching and studying the Prezi on ancient Egypt.  Sections 04 and 05 will do this with me; Section 01 will have subs.  Be sure to watch the video on pyramid building that is embedded in the Prezi.  Remember to post to your blog tonight. Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

overview of ancient Egypt

Remember: it's all about the geography.  And the daily life, the Pharaohs, and the Goddesses and Gods.  And of course, the pyramids.  It's all on the Prezi, found here.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

test review - complete

Many thanks to Marky Mark and the rest of Section 01 for providing such fantastic entertainment during today's review.

Rappin' Rachel - who knew?