Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today's classwork.

Dear Section 01,

I can't be in class with you today, but there is still a lot you can accomplish. 

You need to finish watching Guns, Germs, and Steel.  You can all do this individually on your computers, or perhaps you can hook up one computer to the LCD and all watch together.  Work this out with your sub; either way works for me.  To get yourselves caught up, click here, at the point where Jared Diamond is discussing domesticable animals.  This is Part 5.  You need to watch Part 5 and Part 6.  This should take less than 20 minutes.

Then you are going to do some group work.  Diamond does a great job of describing life in the highlands,  but is that a full description of all of Papua New Guinea?  You can find out by doing some research.  Use the CIA Factbook to find out how Papua New Guinea is adapting to life in the 21st century.  Focus on the people and the economy - things like the literacy rate, their industries, the economic growth rate, their languages, religions, per capita income, etc.  In groups of three, prepare a summary of how New Guineans are doing today.  This can be an informative paragraph, or a PowerPoint, or a Prezi - your choice.  Be sure to reach a conclusion: are they catching up with the rest of the world, or are they still stuck in the Stone Age?

We can review your work tomorrow in class.  I expect to be back with you then.

Reminder:  test on GG&S, and modern-day PNG, this Thursday.

Thanks for being nice to your sub!  In tonight's blog, tell me how today went!

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