Friday, April 29, 2011

guest appearance

Many thanks to Chi Cago for dropping by class today.  He has allowed us to use his lyrics to help with our studies of Rome - listed as "Rome - by Chi Cago" under Links.

Assignment: using the lyrics, find at least 10 pictures to illustrate the story of ancient Rome.  This could end up being used to make a video of the song you heard today.  Provide captions for the images so we know what we are looking at.  The assignment is worth at least 10 points.

Post these to your blog by midnight Sunday.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

pop quizzing our way through Rome

For Section 04 and 05, no new readings tonight.  However, based on our class "discussions," I would recommend you review the readings you already received.

Section 01 receives their second reading via email today.  If you encounter the infamous "sideways" page, click View and choose Rotate -> Counterclockwise.  Your world should now make sense.  Do the Define section, and answer # 1 – 6.

Be ready for tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

rockin Rome old school

Read the new info emailed to you.

Define a - f, and Answer 1 - 6.

Post to your blog.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Moving to Rome.

I have emailed you some reading material, called Rome 1.1.

When you finish reading, please define the terms and answer the questions on your blog.  The critical thinking question, #6, is optional.

It's nice to be back.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

test today, break tomorrow

I'm sorry I can't be with you today.  Good luck on your test today.  This test is NOT open note - as a matter of fact, I would ask that you not use your computer at all in class today - before, during, or after the test.

Don't forget to post to your blog tonight.  Tell me what you thought of the test.

Enjoy your break, and I'll see you next week!

Monday, April 18, 2011

test on the past in your near future

We test on ancient Greece Wednesday.

04 and 05 reviewed today;
01 reviews tomorrow.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Alexander's battles

Today we looked at two of Alexander's most significant battles: Gaugamela and Hydaspes. There are new links posted in case you want to read more about these astonishing victories, plus Wiki bios of Alexander and his nemesis, Darius III.

One class of review, followed by the test on ancient Greece on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

nearing the end of the Greek empire

Section 04 finished the Crucible of Change video, 
while Sections 01 and 04 took a look at 
Alexander, Darius, and the Battle of Gaugamela.

Reminder: test on Ancient Greece next Wednesday,
review in class next week, study at home over the weekend.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the Allegory of the Cave

Today we finished presentations, then discussed the deeper meaning of Plato's Cave.  

I was impressed with many of your observations, and they seemed to prove Plato's point that we should all learn to think for ourselves.

I have listed a few videos (see the links list) that may provide even more enlightenment.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

01 finishes up - almost

All we need is Emily K, and Amir, and we have finished your presentations.

Today we saw Madi (Greek art/sculpture), Mark (Greek drama), and Jason (Greek armies/battles).  Remember to grade your classmates and post three potential test questions on each project.

Monday, April 11, 2011

finishing the presentations

Grade these projects, and write three potential test questions about each presentation.

Megan covered Greek armies and battles; Brynly did Greek sculpture and art; Vinny rapped about the trial of Socrates.

Emma showed us the Olympics; Jeffy discussed architecture; Cole did a tasty presentation of the Peloponnesian War (pictured below).

Friday, April 8, 2011

even MORE presentations!


  • Your postings should include three potential test questions about each presentation, plus the grade you would give the student.
  • Be sure to email me your presentation (the PowerPoint, paper, Prezi) by midnight tonight.  Send to .
  • You are encouraged to buy an Amnesty International tshirt to wear for dress down day next Friday.  I'll give you 5 extra credit points if you support this worthy cause.  If everyone in your section wears the tshirt next Friday, you all get 10 EC points.
Today's projects:

SECTION 01: Emily S (trial of Socrates), Rachel (Greek architecture), Cole (Golden Age of Greece), Elena (Greek poetry)

SECTION 04:  Sam (Greek drama), Alena (Greek poetry), Lauren (the Age of Pericles), Brad (Greek architecture)

SECTION 05: Taylor (Homer's Odyssey, Billy (Hellenistic influences), Sarah (Parthenon), Clark (math & science breakthroughs), Christy (the trial of Socrates), Catherine (Greek art/pottery), Gracie (poetry)

We will finish all the presentations in the next class or two.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

more presentations!

Grade today's presentations, and write three potential test questions about 'em.

Just  to remind you, here were the presenters for today:

SECTION 01:  Colleen (philosophers).  (Don't grade Amir yet - he will get another try - hopefully with no technical difficulties - tomorrow.)

SECTION 04:  Kevin (mathematical and scientific breakthroughs), Morgan (Alexander the Great), Haley (the Parthenon), Tasha (philosophers).

SECTION 05:  Alyssa (Greek army/battles), Caitlin (drama, Oedipus), Clarke (Alexander).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Kamau presented on Spartan life, and Fiona covered the Peloponnesian War.  Your blog posting should include three potential test questions on Sparta and the War, plus give Kamau and Fiona grades on their presentation (xx out of 100).

Also, many many thanks to Billy for bringing in a nice "Welcome Back Cole" cake.  That might be the biggest cake I have ever seen in a classroom!

Julia talked about Greek Art, and Zach's presentation was on the Olympics.  Your blog posting should include three potential test questions on Greek art and the Olympics, plus give Julia, Zach (and Caitlin) grades on their presentation (xx out of 100).

Thanks to Julia for the excellent, authentic Greek cuisine!

Emily taught us about mathematical and scientific breakthroughs, and Rita focused on Homer.  Your blog posting should include three potential test questions on Greek science and Homer, plus give Emily and Rita grades on their presentation (xx out of 100).

Finally, thanks to Emily for the fantastic blueberry pi... I mean PIE.  You guys are the best!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday is Section 01 Day

Today we fine-tuned the presentations which begin in earnest tomorrow.

Remember - make it interesting!  Don't overload your PowerPoint slides with written info, and then merely read it to the class.  Use brief bullet points and interesting images, and tell the story yourself.

Monday, April 4, 2011

the return of the Greeks

Today in class we started our reports.  In Section 04 Caitlin did a great job explaining the Peloponnesian War.  (Many thanks to Caitlin and Tasha for bringing in the treats!)  In 05 Kamau got started on Spartan life; he will finish up on Wednesday.

Homework for tonight is to write three questions - with the correct answers - based on the presentation in your class.  Post these to your blog.

And finally... welcome back, Cole!  Great to have you in class again!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

our vacation is history

Here's a little something to refresh your memory on our studies of ancient Greece.  Click here, or click the link entitled Greece ... So Far, to get all caught up.