Friday, April 8, 2011

even MORE presentations!


  • Your postings should include three potential test questions about each presentation, plus the grade you would give the student.
  • Be sure to email me your presentation (the PowerPoint, paper, Prezi) by midnight tonight.  Send to .
  • You are encouraged to buy an Amnesty International tshirt to wear for dress down day next Friday.  I'll give you 5 extra credit points if you support this worthy cause.  If everyone in your section wears the tshirt next Friday, you all get 10 EC points.
Today's projects:

SECTION 01: Emily S (trial of Socrates), Rachel (Greek architecture), Cole (Golden Age of Greece), Elena (Greek poetry)

SECTION 04:  Sam (Greek drama), Alena (Greek poetry), Lauren (the Age of Pericles), Brad (Greek architecture)

SECTION 05: Taylor (Homer's Odyssey, Billy (Hellenistic influences), Sarah (Parthenon), Clark (math & science breakthroughs), Christy (the trial of Socrates), Catherine (Greek art/pottery), Gracie (poetry)

We will finish all the presentations in the next class or two.

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