Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Kamau presented on Spartan life, and Fiona covered the Peloponnesian War.  Your blog posting should include three potential test questions on Sparta and the War, plus give Kamau and Fiona grades on their presentation (xx out of 100).

Also, many many thanks to Billy for bringing in a nice "Welcome Back Cole" cake.  That might be the biggest cake I have ever seen in a classroom!

Julia talked about Greek Art, and Zach's presentation was on the Olympics.  Your blog posting should include three potential test questions on Greek art and the Olympics, plus give Julia, Zach (and Caitlin) grades on their presentation (xx out of 100).

Thanks to Julia for the excellent, authentic Greek cuisine!

Emily taught us about mathematical and scientific breakthroughs, and Rita focused on Homer.  Your blog posting should include three potential test questions on Greek science and Homer, plus give Emily and Rita grades on their presentation (xx out of 100).

Finally, thanks to Emily for the fantastic blueberry pi... I mean PIE.  You guys are the best!

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