Thursday, May 19, 2011

first a test, then a paper

Today we took a test on the Roman Empire.  I hope to have results posted soon.  I have posted the grades on PowerSchool.  (Average grade for all three sections: 83, and 17 out of 43 of you got an A!)

As we discussed in class today, the next assignment is a 500-word paper.  Topic:  Compare the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.  We began work on the paper in class today.  Work will continue in class tomorrow (Friday).  You will then have the weekend to finish a good first draft.  In class Monday (Sections 04 & 05) and Tuesday (Section 01) you will bring a printed copy of your paper to class for peer review.  You will take the suggestions you get from your classmates and incorporate them into the final draft of your paper, which you will turn in at the start of class Wednesday.

Failure to have a printed copy of your paper in your possession at the beginning of class Monday or Tuesday will result in a 20-point penalty on the assignment.  No exceptions.

Some details on formatting the paper:  use Times New Roman font, size 12.  No bold.  Standard margins.  Title your paper.  With four or five days to work on it, I expect the paper to be completely free of grammatical or spelling errors.

You have the option of either writing a fact-based comparison of these two forms of government, or you may include your opinion, and describe which form of government you would prefer.  If you include your opinion, you must back it up with factual evidence.  It is entirely up to you what kind of paper to write; neither style has an advantage over the other.

This paper is to be entirely your own writing.  Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the assignment and the offense will be reported to the Dean's office for disciplinary action.  Don't plagiarize.

Feel free to ask questions - in class, after school, or by email.  The assignment is worth 100 points, just like a test.  Put in some real effort, and you will be rewarded.  Let's see your best writing!

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