Friday, May 20, 2011

today's classwork

I will not be with you in class today.  As we discussed yesterday, you will spend today working on your paper.  I expect you to take full advantage of the time.  Writing 500 words does not take too long, but writing, rewriting, editing, and crafting a GOOD paper takes more time.  If you use today's class time wisely, and put some time and effort in over the weekend, you should have a paper you are proud of.

Don't forget - you MUST come to class next Mon/Tues with your paper printed out, ready to be reviewed by your classmates.  Twenty point penalty if you don't have enough to be reviewed or if you need to run to the library to print it.  Be ready!

I'll see you next week.  Be nice to your sub, and have a good weekend!

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