Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Last day of class. :(

Yesterday was the last meeting with Sections 04 and 05; today I see 01 for the last time this year.  It really has been a pleasure teaching you, and being taught by you.

Many thanks to Christie and Rachel for bringing in treats for everyone on the last day of class!

Tomorrow is the final exam.  Not to worry.  I'm sure you will all do well if you concentrate on the following subjects we covered this semester.
  • Guns, Germs & Steel / Papua New Guinea
  • Egypt, both ancient and modern
  • Ancient Greece
  • Ancient Rome - Republic and Empire

100 objective questions.  Two essays.

Do not bring your computer to the exam - you will not be allowed to turn it on before, during, or after the exam.

In order to keep you from racing through the exam, you cannot turn in your exam any earlier than 12:15.  Use the time to recheck your answers on the objective section.  Re-read your essays and do the editing necessary to make them excellent.

If you want, you may bring notes for another class (Math, Spanish, Earth Science, etc.) to study after 12:15.    No computers - just handwritten notes, index cards, and the like.

Section 01 tests in room 321, Section 04 in room 105, and section 05 in room 106.

The best of luck to all of you on your exams, and I hope you have a terrific summer break!  See you next year ... as sophomores!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

the last test

The last regular test for Western Civ was today.  We have two classes left, which we will spend reviewing and saying goodbye.  Some of you have said you'd like to bring in some snacks for an end-of-year treat, which sounds fine to me.

More details about our exam to follow soon.  In the meantime, here's the exam schedule for next week.  Check your JC email for more info.

Wednesday, June 8
  • English – 8 – 10 a.m.
  • Social Studies – 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Thursday, June 9
  • Math – 8 – 10 a.m.
  • Foreign Language – 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Friday, June 10
  • Religion – 8 – 10 a.m.
  • Science – 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

new test date

Two sections did not have Western Civ today, which means you haven't had this class in four days.  In order to be fair, I am postponing the test on the fall of the Roman Empire to Thursday.  Tomorrow we will review; Thursday we test.

That means we will have Friday and Monday/Tuesday to prepare for the semester exam (which is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8).  If you would like to bring in a snack or two on either of those days to make reviewing a little more enjoyable, let me know.

In any case, be ready for the test this Thursday!

Friday, May 27, 2011

fantastic classes today

Is it because the end of the year is so close?  Is it because we were on the cusp of a three-day weekend?  Whatever the reason, you guys were terrific in class today as we finished covering the decine and fall of the Roman Empire.

Be sure to do the handout, and be ready for the test on Wednesday.

And have a great weekend!

The Roman Empire nears its end

Excellent conversations in class today (Thursday) as we compare the decline and fall of the Roman Empire to current affairs in the US.

Tomorrow we finish covering the handout, leading into our well-deserved three day weekend.

If you missed class today, you might consider contacting one of your classmates to get their notes.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

tonight's reading assignment

After reading the handout you received in class today, you should answer these questions, found at the bottom of page 169.

Identify: b, c, d, e, g, h, j, m, n.
Answer: 1 through 4.
Critical thinking: 5.

Post these answers to your blog post tonight.

For those of you who will not be in class this week, I would advise you to check my blog to see what classwork and homework you will be missing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

more peer reviews

Section 01 met today and spent the period reviewing essays.  I recommend checking yesterday's blog for hints and details about writing a good essay.  Also, be sure to check out the rubric I have linked to.

Be sure to bring a printed copy of your paper to class tomorrow.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Peer review of essays

Today's class was devoted to reviewing each other's essays. I have included the rubric I will be using to grade these essays; it is called "Essay Rubric" and it is listed with the other links.

Reminders about formatting: Use Times New Roman font, size 12. No bold. Standard margins. Double space. Give your paper an interesting title. (Hint: "Roman Republic vs. Roman Empire" is NOT an interesting title.) I expect the paper to be completely free of grammatical or spelling errors

The paper is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday.  
Have it printed and ready to hand to me at the start of class.  
Failure to do so will result in a twenty-point penalty.  Be ready.

Friday, May 20, 2011

today's classwork

I will not be with you in class today.  As we discussed yesterday, you will spend today working on your paper.  I expect you to take full advantage of the time.  Writing 500 words does not take too long, but writing, rewriting, editing, and crafting a GOOD paper takes more time.  If you use today's class time wisely, and put some time and effort in over the weekend, you should have a paper you are proud of.

Don't forget - you MUST come to class next Mon/Tues with your paper printed out, ready to be reviewed by your classmates.  Twenty point penalty if you don't have enough to be reviewed or if you need to run to the library to print it.  Be ready!

I'll see you next week.  Be nice to your sub, and have a good weekend!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

first a test, then a paper

Today we took a test on the Roman Empire.  I hope to have results posted soon.  I have posted the grades on PowerSchool.  (Average grade for all three sections: 83, and 17 out of 43 of you got an A!)

As we discussed in class today, the next assignment is a 500-word paper.  Topic:  Compare the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.  We began work on the paper in class today.  Work will continue in class tomorrow (Friday).  You will then have the weekend to finish a good first draft.  In class Monday (Sections 04 & 05) and Tuesday (Section 01) you will bring a printed copy of your paper to class for peer review.  You will take the suggestions you get from your classmates and incorporate them into the final draft of your paper, which you will turn in at the start of class Wednesday.

Failure to have a printed copy of your paper in your possession at the beginning of class Monday or Tuesday will result in a 20-point penalty on the assignment.  No exceptions.

Some details on formatting the paper:  use Times New Roman font, size 12.  No bold.  Standard margins.  Title your paper.  With four or five days to work on it, I expect the paper to be completely free of grammatical or spelling errors.

You have the option of either writing a fact-based comparison of these two forms of government, or you may include your opinion, and describe which form of government you would prefer.  If you include your opinion, you must back it up with factual evidence.  It is entirely up to you what kind of paper to write; neither style has an advantage over the other.

This paper is to be entirely your own writing.  Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the assignment and the offense will be reported to the Dean's office for disciplinary action.  Don't plagiarize.

Feel free to ask questions - in class, after school, or by email.  The assignment is worth 100 points, just like a test.  Put in some real effort, and you will be rewarded.  Let's see your best writing!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

tomorrow's test

Tomorrow we will test on the Roman Empire.  It will include material from the video we watched in class ("PBS - Empire: Years of Trial.") and the PowerPoint I presented in class.

Feel free to click on the link I have provided to review the video.

I have also emailed the PowerPoint to your JC email address.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Good luck!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

the Roman Empire

Yesterday and today we have been reviewing our chapter on the Roman Empire.  We should finish this material tomorrow, and then test on Thursday.

As always, feel free to stop by with any questions or problems.

Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Friday, Friday...

As you can see, Blogger is back.  But it looks like our old posts - from Wednesday and Thursday - are gone.

I will give you credit for the blogs you posted, plus for Wednesday and Thursday.  Please post the work you did in class today, combined with your research on the emperors, by Saturday night.

Here's a recap of today's assignment:

  • Working with two other people, combine your notes on the video with the notes of the others in your group.
  • Supplement these notes with information on the first three Roman emperors, as found in Wikipedia.
  • These emperors are Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius.
  • Post these notes by Saturday night.
Finally, we will go over these notes - plus a PowerPoint I will put together this weekend - at the beginning of next week.  We will test on the transition from Roman Republic to Roman Empire - plus the first three Roman emperors - on Wednesday of next week.

It would be a good idea to check this blog a time or two this weekend for information updates.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Roman emperors, and Jesus - from a historical perspective

Today's video segment looked at some unbalanced Roman emperors, and at the historical figure of Jesus.

Many thanks to the brilliant 04 section for a thoughtful and provocative discussion!  It was one of those days that makes it extra rewarding to be a teacher.

If you miss a class, or if you want to review the video we are watching in class, click on the link at the right titled "PBS - Empire: Years of Trial."

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

a pause to review

Today it was Section 01's turn to review the last couple tests.  This is good information that will help you next month when we take semester exams.  Keep these study guides handy!

Tomorrow, we begin to study the Roman Empire.

Monday, May 9, 2011

before we head back to Rome

Today two sections (04 & 05) reviewed the last couple tests.  This is good information that will help you next month when we take semester exams.  Keep these study guides handy!

Section 01 will go through the same routine tomorrow.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rome test

Two weeks of studying Rome will culminate with a short test tomorrow.

How to study for it?
  • Check the notes you've taken on the class projects/PowerPoints.
  • Review the three handouts I emailed you.
  • Memorize the song.
Multiple choice only.  Please come prepared with a pencil.  Short classes tomorrow, but you should still have plenty of time.  Good luck, study hard, be ready!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

working in class Wednesday

Sorry to say, but I will not be with you in class today, Wednesday, May 4.

In class, you should continue to work with your partner on your Rome PowerPoints. Please help out anyone who wasn't in class Monday or Tuesday - get them to partner up and take a stanza of the song that hasn't been assigned yet.

We'll start presenting these in class Thursday.

I want to thank you in advance for having a great, productive day, and for being nice to my sub.  See you tomorrow!

your PowerPoint

I have emailed everyone in all three sections a PDF that may help you research your PowerPoint.  As I said in class, you are free to use Wikipedia, since this is not a research paper.  If you would like to use any other sources, feel free.  Use the last frame of your PPt to list your sources.

Friday, April 29, 2011

guest appearance

Many thanks to Chi Cago for dropping by class today.  He has allowed us to use his lyrics to help with our studies of Rome - listed as "Rome - by Chi Cago" under Links.

Assignment: using the lyrics, find at least 10 pictures to illustrate the story of ancient Rome.  This could end up being used to make a video of the song you heard today.  Provide captions for the images so we know what we are looking at.  The assignment is worth at least 10 points.

Post these to your blog by midnight Sunday.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

pop quizzing our way through Rome

For Section 04 and 05, no new readings tonight.  However, based on our class "discussions," I would recommend you review the readings you already received.

Section 01 receives their second reading via email today.  If you encounter the infamous "sideways" page, click View and choose Rotate -> Counterclockwise.  Your world should now make sense.  Do the Define section, and answer # 1 – 6.

Be ready for tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

rockin Rome old school

Read the new info emailed to you.

Define a - f, and Answer 1 - 6.

Post to your blog.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Moving to Rome.

I have emailed you some reading material, called Rome 1.1.

When you finish reading, please define the terms and answer the questions on your blog.  The critical thinking question, #6, is optional.

It's nice to be back.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

test today, break tomorrow

I'm sorry I can't be with you today.  Good luck on your test today.  This test is NOT open note - as a matter of fact, I would ask that you not use your computer at all in class today - before, during, or after the test.

Don't forget to post to your blog tonight.  Tell me what you thought of the test.

Enjoy your break, and I'll see you next week!

Monday, April 18, 2011

test on the past in your near future

We test on ancient Greece Wednesday.

04 and 05 reviewed today;
01 reviews tomorrow.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Alexander's battles

Today we looked at two of Alexander's most significant battles: Gaugamela and Hydaspes. There are new links posted in case you want to read more about these astonishing victories, plus Wiki bios of Alexander and his nemesis, Darius III.

One class of review, followed by the test on ancient Greece on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

nearing the end of the Greek empire

Section 04 finished the Crucible of Change video, 
while Sections 01 and 04 took a look at 
Alexander, Darius, and the Battle of Gaugamela.

Reminder: test on Ancient Greece next Wednesday,
review in class next week, study at home over the weekend.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the Allegory of the Cave

Today we finished presentations, then discussed the deeper meaning of Plato's Cave.  

I was impressed with many of your observations, and they seemed to prove Plato's point that we should all learn to think for ourselves.

I have listed a few videos (see the links list) that may provide even more enlightenment.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

01 finishes up - almost

All we need is Emily K, and Amir, and we have finished your presentations.

Today we saw Madi (Greek art/sculpture), Mark (Greek drama), and Jason (Greek armies/battles).  Remember to grade your classmates and post three potential test questions on each project.

Monday, April 11, 2011

finishing the presentations

Grade these projects, and write three potential test questions about each presentation.

Megan covered Greek armies and battles; Brynly did Greek sculpture and art; Vinny rapped about the trial of Socrates.

Emma showed us the Olympics; Jeffy discussed architecture; Cole did a tasty presentation of the Peloponnesian War (pictured below).

Friday, April 8, 2011

even MORE presentations!


  • Your postings should include three potential test questions about each presentation, plus the grade you would give the student.
  • Be sure to email me your presentation (the PowerPoint, paper, Prezi) by midnight tonight.  Send to rschick@johncarroll.org .
  • You are encouraged to buy an Amnesty International tshirt to wear for dress down day next Friday.  I'll give you 5 extra credit points if you support this worthy cause.  If everyone in your section wears the tshirt next Friday, you all get 10 EC points.
Today's projects:

SECTION 01: Emily S (trial of Socrates), Rachel (Greek architecture), Cole (Golden Age of Greece), Elena (Greek poetry)

SECTION 04:  Sam (Greek drama), Alena (Greek poetry), Lauren (the Age of Pericles), Brad (Greek architecture)

SECTION 05: Taylor (Homer's Odyssey, Billy (Hellenistic influences), Sarah (Parthenon), Clark (math & science breakthroughs), Christy (the trial of Socrates), Catherine (Greek art/pottery), Gracie (poetry)

We will finish all the presentations in the next class or two.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

more presentations!

Grade today's presentations, and write three potential test questions about 'em.

Just  to remind you, here were the presenters for today:

SECTION 01:  Colleen (philosophers).  (Don't grade Amir yet - he will get another try - hopefully with no technical difficulties - tomorrow.)

SECTION 04:  Kevin (mathematical and scientific breakthroughs), Morgan (Alexander the Great), Haley (the Parthenon), Tasha (philosophers).

SECTION 05:  Alyssa (Greek army/battles), Caitlin (drama, Oedipus), Clarke (Alexander).